Tomography ========== Tomographic inversion problems often arise in the study of plasma diagnostics, especially when making line integrated measurements. Tomographic inversion techniques allow us to try recovering the underlying plasma properties from a reduced set of measurements. In Cherab we implement a basic set of tomography algorithms, for a wider range of options please consult the dedicated tomography libraries such as `ToFu `_. In general, recovering a plasma emission profile with tomography is an ill-posed problem. It is customary to describe the system in terms of a sensitivity matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}`. The elements :math:`W_{k,l}` describe the coupling between the :math:`N_s` plasma emission voxels :math:`x_l` and measured power :math:`\Phi_k` at :math:`N_d` detectors. The whole detector set is typically represented as the matrix equation .. math:: \mathbf{\Phi} = \mathbf{W} \mathbf{x}. The power for the *k* th detector can be expressed as .. math:: \Phi_k = \sum_{l=1}^{N_s} W_{k,l} \, x_l, where :math:`k` and :math:`l` are the indices for the detectors and source voxels respectively. In this module we implement a number of basic inversion algorithms for recovering the emissivity vector :math:`\mathbf{x}` from a set of measurements :math:`\mathbf{\Phi}` and sensitivity matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}`. Inversion Methods ----------------- .. autofunction:: .. autofunction:: .. autoclass:: :members: __call__, clean, update_laplacian_matrix .. autofunction:: .. autofunction:: Voxels ------ .. autoclass:: :members: .. autoclass:: :members: .. autoclass:: :members: .. autoclass:: :members: Ray Transfer Objects -------------------- Ray transfer objects accelerate the calculation of geometry matrices (or Ray Transfer Matrices as they were called in `S. Kajita, et al. Contrib. Plasma Phys., 2016, 1-9 `_) in the case of regular spatial grids. As in the case of Voxels, the spectral array is used to store the data for individual light sources (in this case the grid cells or their unions), however no voxels are created at all. Instead, a custom integration along the ray is implemented. Ray transfer objects allow to calculate geometry matrices for a single value of wavelength. Use `RayTransferBox` class for Cartesian grids and `RayTransferCylinder` class for cylindrical grids (3D or axisymmetrical). Performance tips: * The best performance is achieved when Ray Transfer Objects are used with special pipelines and optimised materials (currently only rough metals are optimised, see the demos). * When the number of individual light sources and respective bins in the spectral array is higher than ~50-70 thousands, the lack of CPU cache memory becomes a serious factor affecting performance. Therefore, it is not recommended to use hyper-threading when calculating geometry matrices for a large number of light sources. It is also recommended to divide the calculation into several parts and to calculate partial geometry matrices for not more than ~50-70 thousands of light sources in a single run. Partial geometry matrices can easily be combined into one when all computations are complete. .. autoclass:: :members: invert_voxel_map .. autoclass:: .. autoclass:: **Emitters and integrators** The following emitters and integrators are used in ray transfer objects. Note that these emitters support other integrators as well, however high performance with other integrators is not guaranteed. .. autoclass:: .. autoclass:: .. autoclass:: .. autoclass:: .. autoclass:: .. autoclass:: **Pipelines** Very simple but fast pipelines for ray transfer matrix (geometry matrix) calculation. When calculating the ray transfer matrix, the spectral array is used to store the radiance from individual unit light sources and not the actual spectrum. In this case the spectral array may contain ~ 10,000 spectral bins but the wavelengths for all of them are equal. Spectral pipelines from Raysect still can be used, but they are slower compared to ray transfer pipelines. Note that the standard error is not calculated in these pipelines, only the mean value. Dispersive rendering and adaptive sampling features are removed to improve the performance. Use spectral pipelines from Raysect if you need these features. .. autoclass:: .. autoclass:: .. autoclass::